About Us

What is Natu Properties 2.0 - The Franchise Network?

Brief History

Shelter, a basic necessity of any living being. Special for man kind as home, investment or the place for oneself.

We started Natu Properties, Real Estate Consultants activity, in Pune as a passion, back in 2011 (www.natuproperties.in )

While doing our work, we understood that, this Consultancy sector is very much unorganized and ill-disciplined due to various reasons.

We also came to know that, our method of client service is very well appreciated by clients as well as fellow consultants.

So, we decided to expand using franchise model which will be beneficial to everybody.

This franchise opportunity is for those, who wish to explore business opportunities and are ready to put in their efforts along with some investment and are willing to lead by example.

Our franchise network operates on the ideology of Sanskrit Shloka -

न अभिषेको न संस्कारः सिंघस्य क्रियते वने ।

विक्रमार्जितसत्वस्य स्वयमेव मृगेंद्रता ।।

Meaning: To be the King of the Jungle, the lion needs neither coronation nor ceremony. His acts of bravery make him the King.